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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dealing With Creepy People

You see them every day, and you know who they are.  You're probably thinking of a couple that would qualify right now as you read this.  The "creepers." 

In TV you are exposed to a number of strange circumstances, many of which are not covered in your traditional college textbooks.  One of which is how to deal with creepy people around you at work - be they viewers or co-workers.

Here is a short excerpt from one of the final sections of "So You Want To Be A TV Star?" - titled "Dealing With Creepy People."

This can be a funny subject… or it can be a deadly serious subject. You’ll encounter a couple of different classes of “creepy” people in TV. Some people are harmless and just don’t know how to interact with others – likely a few work at your new station. Some are beyond harmless and could pose a threat to injure you or even worse. 

If you start to get personal emails from viewers pay close attention to their subjects and their senders. Make sure you keep copies of anything, and if it starts to get serious make sure to mention them to co-workers. If someone declares they “love” you in more than a “I love your weather presentation” type of way, that is a sign things have taken a turn for the worse...
Stay tuned to your surroundings when you do get that first TV job, and make sure to keep track of anything "unusual" around you.

Check in soon for another post & excerpt from the book!  If you are interested in seeing more of this book, visit where you can see the table of contents, additional sample pages, and are able to purchase it through the publisher.

~Aaron Shaffer

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